
Paryay Parisanstha (Alternative Ecosystem), the trust has been established by  compeer citizens at Pune, India. It aims at providing alternatives towards ecologically sensitive life in the perspective of Ecology and Learning. It shall try to reach out intensively and focused manner at mass scale, to diverse people from diverse ecosystem with parallel society contributors. It shall also aim at supporting various Government systems in the fields mentioned below.

The main Functional Activities of Trust visualised in the perspective of ecology and learning shall be as follow,

Working in the field of Ecology & Learning

  • Strengthening livelihoods of people towards life
  • Conceptualisation of appropriate tailor made Programs& Projects, Research, designing of planning and implementation, Documentation, Data management and analysis, auditing of stream processes in the same fields.
  • Provide alternatives in various aspects of life by practicing in or giving services to concern organisations, Group of people, Individuals, and schools or any other form of society place.

Work area & Region

There are no physical boundaries set to work for alternatives in these core areas. The trust is working wherever the need is and wherever we can reach.