Frequently Ask Questions

  • Which board does this school Follow?

    National & State

  • What is the medium of the school?


  • Which language are considered(provided) in the school?

    Marthi, English , Hindi, Till date any other as per requirement

  • Which subjects are considered in the school?

    Till and before a year of examination, all subjects are considered in integrated manner. Content is not segregated into subjects but considered in context of the situation. Some of the aspects of the content may and do not fall under the so called school subjects but are an integral part of the learners life and hence considered equally importatnt

  • What recognised exams does the learner sit for

    Learners can appear for examination of the following boards  SSC, MSBOS, NIOS etc.

  • What will be a day schedule of child?(Working Hours)

    1. from 2-11 years  – 7 hours 5 days a week.

    2. 12-14 years-  9 hours total=  7 hours at Dschool  + 2 hours LPTP

    3. 14-16 years –  12 hours total = 9 hours at Dschool + 3 hours PPTP .

  • What is the yearly planner? (Working, holidays,Picnic,visits,)?

    Dschool works as per the the Natural Cycle. We have Dschool days and have Home session days. Which are seasonal non Dschool Days where learners work with their parents during the peak of that particular season. Learners Have exploration visits almost 30-40% of the working days where they are out of the Dschool for exploration of various aspects of their content and Process. Every Weekend they visit one of the learenrs home of their flock for Home visits. ‘

  • What is admission process (criteria)? And What is age group wise standards for admission?

    Parents should be convinced of their expectations from the learner and the program chosen. After basic discussion between parents and Dschool an individualised estimation form is generated for each new learner. Document list for admission process is mailed to the parents. After this a convenient day for admission process is mutually decided. Both the meaningful adults have to be present for the admission process which may take 2-3 hours each. Admission at Dschool is open from 2 to 16 years and beyond for other programs

  • What is the Fee Structure- Installments, concession etc

    Learning at Dschool is an individual process. Hence Fees is different for each learner depending on 12 criteria’s. Beyond this Dschool has a cap on Minimum and Maximum fees. Estimation form is provided before admission to parent. Fees is payable in 3 installments. During calculation of fees the all the concessions are included. Also all charges for Dschool, Exploration visit charges within specified range is included.

  • How we will get to know child's growth and development?

    If parents are sensitive towrads their children they shall surely be sensitive to their childs growth and develepoment . 2 At Paryay Dschool the parents can call for a monthly meet with mentors or directors to get their feedback about the child. 3. ALmos t 90% of the child s work is updated & communicated weekly weekly

  • What about transport facility?

    The parents arrange their own transport needs

  • How social develpment of the child will happen?

    The Learners come from varied socio-cultural-economic background, precisely keeping this perspective of our social fabric. Learners have to keep going to each other home as a part of the Methodology where too the social aspects is taken care of. Social development means being able to handle a variety of social environments. Paryay Dschool methodology ensures maximum interactions through its varied structure of Exploration visits, Jauntings, JEEV, Home Vists, Home session, Market visits and others.

  • Does this type of schooling make any problem for placement or further education ?

    The learners who have been in Dschool Learning methodology for 4 or more years are capable to identify their own styles of learning, their own strengths and weakness. Hence they are capable of deciding what they are capable of doing and what they would like to pursue. They are less dependent on external factors. PD methodology enhances their growth and development and all small and large decision makings necessary for their own learning trajectory.

  • Is it possible to take admission in conventional school in any case? And vise versa?


  • How many students do you have in your school?(my childs age)

    Learners number vary in various flocks. Since we do not work age group wise, the elarning flocks vary hence at any given point of process the learner is working with 5-8 learners

  • How many teachers(staff menb.) your organisation have? What is child to teacher ratio?

    There is one mentor to 8-10 learners no matter what

  • Do you have Ground, Library?

    Yes to Both

  • What different tool need to send by parents, what will school will provide?

    Paryay Dschool has a stationary policy and age wise requirement of tools and stationary varies. Paryay Dschool provides various tools, mediums necessary for expressions. Where the learner start specialising in a particular medium she is encouraged to get her own kit for the same. The kit may have needle and thread to specialised tool as and where needed like measuring tape etc.

  • Does the learner (in edify ) which has a problem of certain content can complete his process within his academic year?

    There is no academic year in Paryay Dschool. But yes learners who are not in Paryay Dschool but would like to take help in content through various methods may join through a different Program call EDIFY, Where certain content problems and concept clarification can happen in his or her academic year.